
Locarno Film Festival in La Rotonda

Project Information:
Author: Ivana Moreno (me), Emilia Kaitazoff, Ana Gasharova
Teacher: Fabio Franchino
Client: La Rotonda/Locarno Film Festival
Course: CAS 3 - Designing Advanced Environment
SUPSI, MaInD, 2019/20
Tools used:
Vector diagrams: Adobe Illustrator
Image editing: Adobe Photoshop
Prototype: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, 3D modeling
and rendering - Sketchup, RGB lights and monitors
Video editing: Adobe Premiere
TheProjector is a project designed to be exhibited event in Locarno - Switzerland called La Rotonda editon 2020 (cancelled because of the pandemic). Since the Locarno Film Festival happens to be in the same period of the year, the goal was to link both attendants to promote the festival's brand. The use of an old cabin used for the projection of the movies on the Festival years ago, was a mark that needed to be highlighted and create a greater value to the visitor. 

The concept lying behind the solution consisted of recreating the experience of entering inside a projector. In order to bring that atmosphere to life, lights with different colors were setted to generate interesting shadows through light diffraction phenomenon, inviting the user to take cool pictures to later be shared in their social media and promote both events.
Interface and interaction modality
Through machine learning we trained our PoseNet modelto recognise a gesture called by us LaRotonda pose (an oval shape done with the arms above the head). The user is invited to make this gesture, and trigger the countdown to take a “selfie” with the CMY (Cian, Magenta, Yellow) shadows effect. 

As the user enters the cabin, it's presented to three different screens: one placed on the left with instructions of how to take the snap. In the middle, a “mirror” screen displaying the user’s image as a regular camera would do, and on the left, a screen displaying the final picture taken and a QR code so the visitors can scan with their smartphones to get their “selfie” picture.
Entrance/Gallery Wall
Entrance/Gallery Wall
CMY Shadows
CMY Shadows
Interactive Wall
Interactive Wall
Interaction Instructions:
User experience
The space of the cabin was designed on the outside to be seen from a distance in the event with colourful lights (RGB, CMY, W) representing the diffraction lights projected from inside. From the outside the visitor would also be indirectly presented to LaRotonda Gesture needed to interact with the project. Passing through the door, the visitor can see the Gallery Wall in the middle of the cabin with the pictures taken from earlier visitors. Going from the right to the other side of the wall, they would find a the colourful shadows where they could stand to interact with Interaction Wall and take their selfies, that after would be exposed on the Gallery Wall.
Research and development context
The project was developed with the study of the light diffraction in order to achieve effects with CMY colors in pictures. The first prototype was done for the better understanding of the necessary distances between the RGB lights and between them and the subject. The research was based on this experiments with the lights as well as the use of PoseNet for the capture and maps the people’s body, so the user could use the body to take their picture with a fun gesture.
For further development, we would introduce different shadow effect modes and allow the user to change the distances between the lights, making different aspects in the pictures taken. Also as future improvement would be the creating of the shadows in different shapes (e.g the leopard, symbol of the Festival), connecting better the theme of the Festival and theProjector.

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